You’re GIVING UP too soon on social

2 min readNov 3, 2020

I saw a video recently that included separate interviews from celebrities over the years talking about how they achieved their goals through visualisation.

Visualisation is the practice of literally meditating on your goals, bringing them to the front of your mind daily, then of course putting in the work to make them happen.

The result doesn’t come without the work, but it’s the constant and repetitive visualisation that kept their minds and bodies working, and motivated to achieve their goals.

Now, how does this fit into your social content strategy. Well, it’s easy to start a Twitter account and aim to grow it to a million super-engaged followers, but the reality of it is that this will require an uncomfortable level of persistence.

Persistence is the key to all this. Your content strategy will ALWAYS fail if you don’t persist.

Actor and comedian Jim Carrey wrote himself a $10million dummy cheque 3 years before he was offered the role in Dumb and Dumber (pure classic BTW).

It was through living with that cheque in his pocket, the daily reminder of his goal that gave him the persistence to get the REAL cheque when he accepted the role of Lloyd Christmas.

It is because he set out every single day to achieve his goal, he was reminded of it daily, and took small steps to get there until it happened.

That’s what you need to do with your social strategy. It’s very rare that someone would start a business, start tweeting and get a million potential customers following them overnight.

This are done through repetition and dedication.

So what I want you to do today is to take a look at your daily plan. Make sure that you’re publishing something fresh every single day. Ask yourself who you’re connecting with daily.

Are you being social daily, or merely scheduling posts? Because it’s that blend that will get you there… but it’ll take time to find your audience, and for your audience to find you.

So be persistence, and have faith, because your customers are on waiting for you out there, you just need to find them and connect.




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